
Minnesota Waters Need You: Help Stop PolyMet Sulfide Mine Pollution

The PolyMet Mine, the first proposed sulfide mine in Minnesota, is far too risky. In spite of this danger, PolyMet has received permits for its mine. Join WaterLegacy on a canoe journey to the proposed PolyMet mine site. Learn why we’re fighting to block PolyMet permits in court and how you can help.

Minnesota Court of Appeals Oral Argument: Mile Post 7 Case

Case Name: In the Matter of the Determination of Need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Mile Post 7 West Ridge Railroad Relocation, Dam Extensions, and Stream Mitigation Project, Lake County, Minnesota.

Case Number: A24-0597

Parties: WaterLegacy, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Northshore Mining Company

Date of Oral Argument: 11/13/2024

Paula Maccabee Interview – Two Harbors Community Radio

How would the Talon Metals nickel mine affect water quality and communities? Learn the context and risks of this massive sulfide mine project by listening to WTIP’s new interview with WaterLegacy’s Paula Maccabee.

Paula Maccabee Interview – Two Harbors Community Radio

No public process or environmental review. Why is DNR letting the Milepost 7 Tailings Basin Expansion continue? Give a listen to Two Harbors Community Radio’s Leo Babeu as he interviews WaterLegacy’s Paula Maccabee about the Milepost 7 tailings basin expansion.

PolyMet Supreme Court Decision Press Conference 

Excerpts from the PolyMet Permit to Mine Supreme Court Decision Press Conference at the Minnesota Capital on April 28, 2021.

Earth Day Broken Promises Webinar

A free webinar presented by WaterLegacy on Thursday, April 22, 2021, on how state agencies choose polluters over people and clean water. Featuring WaterLegacy Advocacy Director and Legal Counsel Paula Maccabee, and Board Member Don Arnosti.

Prove It First Press Conference Highlights

WaterLegacy is part of a broad coalition supporting a Minnesota Prove It First bill that would prevent the state from granting any permit for a copper sulfide mine unless the mining company can prove a copper sulfide mine in a similar ecosystem has operated for at least 10 years and has been closed for 10 years without causing pollution. No more reliance on consultant “assumptions” and no sacrifice zone in Minnesota.

PolyMet Permit to Mine Struck Down

January 13, 2020: Listen to WaterLegacy Advocacy Director Paula Maccabee give a breakdown of the Court of Appeals decision victory and get some tips on what you can do next to help protect Minnesota waters from toxic mining pollution.

Our Journey to the PolyMet Mine Site

Want to see for yourself what’s at stake if the proposed PolyMet open pit copper-nickel mine is permitted in Northern Minnesota? Watch our short documentary, “Journey to Protect Minnesota’s Waters: Revealing the Contested PolyMet Mine Site,” shot on the proposed PolyMet mine location on Minnesota’s Partridge River in the Lake Superior Basin.

Key Democrat wants answers from EPA on mine plan

KBJR interviews WaterLegacy Advocacy Director, Paula Maccabee, about failures in EPA oversight of the PolyMet permitting process. Paula discusses Cong. Betty McCollum’s response and involvement in finding answers.

Minnesota Doctors Urge Assessment of Health Impacts of Sulfide Mining

Dr. Emily Onello from the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians gives testimony at the October 19, 2016 meeting of the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board urging them to include human Health Impact Assessments in the state’s environmental review process for proposed sulfide mining projects.

100% Failure: Not Worth the Risk

WaterLegacy Advocacy Director and Counsel, Paula Maccabee, talks about the abysmal record of sulfide mining in water-rich environments to the crowd at a June 29, 2016, event organized with Honor the Earth to oppose Extreme Extraction in Minnesota.

WaterLegacy Wild Rice Testimony

WaterLegacy Advocacy Director, Paula Maccabee, testifies against weakening Minnesota’s wild rice sulfate water quality standard at the Minnesota Legislature February 2015.

For more videos, visit us on YouTube.