Take Action

What can you do?
Write a commentary piece, letter to the editor, or a letter to an elected official. Take the opportunity to express your point of view and influence public understanding of sulfide mining issues. For talking points, you may want to read WaterLegacy Fact Sheets or the PolyMet Mine Overview.
Invite WaterLegacy to present or share resources with your faith community, organization, or group to raise awareness about what’s at stake and how members can become advocates to protect Minnesota waters. Contact sophia@waterlegacy.org to organize an outreach event.
Share your professional scientific, medical, or health knowledge. Help WaterLegacy connect with other experts and professionals you know who can also contribute their expertise. Contact Paula@waterlegacy.org to share your knowledge.
Create your own action or event to raise public awareness, like the PolyMet Lite Brigade has done.
Reach out to us with your own ideas to build a movement to protect Minnesota’s clean water and communities and invite your friends and social followers to do the same. Contact sophia@waterlegacy.org with your suggestions.
And if you are able, please contribute financially to support our groundbreaking work.